Roadshow Radverkehr – Fahrradpolitik und Governance: Neuer Start oder weiter so?
Roadshow Radverkehr – Fahrradpolitik und Governance: Neuer Start oder weiter so?
Similar to flight or car simulators, bicycle simulators are an ideal tool for low-risk research, training and communicating visions for the future. However, developers and users of bicycle simulators and their knowledge have so far been isolated from each other and mostly limited to the research sector. Up to date, there are very few practical applications of bicycle simulators.
The OpenBikeSim research project will create an online portal that will provide bicycle simulator knowledge and technology as an open source toolkit and build a community of developers and users with the aim of transferring bicycle simulators into practical applications.
To make the portal attractive and user-friendly, it is crucial to consider future users and their needs at an early stage.
To this end, the thesis is intended to analyse the potential for bicycle simulators. The resaerch is expected to identify possible applications and users in the wider context of mobility and to derive, analyse and evaluate the respective requirements for a bicycle simulator.
August until December