Visit to this year's TRB annual meeting
Danil Belikhov and Heather Kaths present research results at TRBAM 2025.
Visit to this year's TRB annual meeting
Danil Belikhov and Heather Kaths present research results at TRBAM 2025.
Visit to this year's TRB annual meeting
New job opening for a research assistant
New Job Opening
We are looking for a research assistant (PhD position) to join our team as soon as possible.
We are hiring!
Die Hochschule Karlsruhe lädt zur nächsten „Roadshow Radverkehr“ am 11. Dezember ein.
Roadshow Radverkehr: Hilfe oder Hindernis? Zur medialen Berichterstattung über die Verkehrswende.
Roadshow Radverkehr zum Thema „immersive Simulatoren im Mobilitätskontext“ am Mittwoch, den 30. Oktober 2024
Roadshow Radverkehr: immersive Simulatoren im Mobilitätskontext
Danil Belikhov presents exciting research results at this year's CRBAM conference in Zurich.
Visit to this year's CRBAM conference
Creating an online portal for open-source bicycle simulators
New OpenBikeSim project starts on September 1st
Hike to Schloss Burg as a team-building activity
Team hike to Burg Castle
Am 19. Juni richtet die Technische Hochschule Wildau die BMDV-Roadshow Radverkehr aus.
BMDV - Roadshow Radverkehr: Der Radverkehrsatlas
After their guest research stay, we say goodbye to Guiseppe and Guillermo and look back on our time together.
Farewell to our visiting researchers