Roadshow Radverkehr – Fahrradpolitik und Governance: Neuer Start oder weiter so?
Roadshow Radverkehr – Fahrradpolitik und Governance: Neuer Start oder weiter so?
Microscopic Modelling and Simulation (MVWING 2021 - 1.4) is a module, offered within the M.Sc. VWING and M.Sc. BAUING study programmes.
Basic Information
Module: VWING - Mandatory / BAUING - Elective Module
Effort: VWING - 6 CP / 180 hours / BAUING - 3 CP / 90 hours
Module duration: 1 semester
Recommended FS: 2nd semester
Frequency: Every second semester (summer semester)
Repeatability: Twice
Teaching form: Lecture/exercise
Evidence: VWING - written examination (60 min, 4 CP) Homework (without grade) / BAUING - written examination (60 min, 3 CP)
Students know the basics of microscopic modeling, which is used to set up simulations in the field of transportation. They can develop, apply and check microscopic models.
The students:
When and where
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heather Kaths
Daniel Muthmann from PTV
Contact person
Further information