School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Farewell to our visiting researchers

06.06.2024|13:16 Uhr

After their guest research stay, we say goodbye to Guiseppe and Guillermo and look back on our time together.

Our team was pleased to start our year by welcoming Giuseppe Cappelli and Guillermo Pérez Castro to join us for guest research stays to develop their doctoral research. After working with our team in the office throughout their stays, they have returned to Italy and Sweden, respectively, to continue working on their research.

To foster collaboration and knowledge exchange during their stays, Cat Silva organised a half-day Research Summit on cycling research. All BT research associates, Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heather Kaths, and our two guests each delivered a 5-minute research pitch presenting the key points of their doctoral research or sharing a concept for a new study they wish to develop. Following these presentations and some time spent discussing each topic, we played a round of scientific speed dating to give everyone a chance for one-on-one discussions about shared research interests. This summit concluded with a wrap-up session, where everyone highlighted takeaways for their individual research and perspectives to develop joint research in the future. 

Along with this scientific work, Giuseppe and Guillermo joined us for our annual team dinner and explored Cologne on a city tour led by Leonard Arning.

We look forward to staying in touch with them and are excited about the potential for collaborations with them and their teams that lie ahead.


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