School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Aboozar Roosta

Research Focus

 - Micromobility
 - Intelligent Transportation Systems
 - Optimization
 - Machine Learning

Aktuelle Projekte

TiptoP, Responsible for the design and implementation of software and electrical components
NUErLast, Benefits and feasibility of detector-based acquisition of cargo bikes, Project manager and engineer

General information

Professional Activities

Since 01/2022: Research Associate
Chair of Bicycle Traffic, Bergische Universität Wuppertal


09/2014 - 09/2017: Master of Science, Electrical Engineering – Control Theory 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

09/2009 - 09/2013: Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering – Electronics
Department of Electrical Engineering, Yazd University, Iran

Master thesis

  • 2017: Roosta, A., Design of an adaptive traffic control method to reduce air pollution in congested urban networks, Master’s Thesis. Tehran, Iran, TMU: Tarbiat Modares University. Supervisor: Dr. Amin Ramezani, TMU

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

Prediction of cyclists' trajectories in urban intersections

Bicycling, Trajectory, Intersections, Heatmap, Cyclist behavior

Understanding patterns of behavior and interactions of road users with the infrastructure and each other is essential in enhancing design of traditional and intelligent infrastructure. My research's aim is to understand cyclist trajectory patterns at intersections. Using video data from real-world observations and our work on creating virtual environments, I'm developing a deep-learning model to describe how street features shape cyclists' movement patterns. The ultimate goal is to  predict cyclist behavior in intersections by estimating the cyclist trajectory heatmaps, offering a practical method for improving road design and safety. This research is intended to benefit the broader community of researchers in bicycle traffic, road safety, and connected vehicles and infrastructure.