School of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Twaddle, H. (2017). Development of tactical and operational behaviour models for bicyclists based on automated video data analysis .
Twaddle, H., & Grigoropoulos, G. (2016). "Modeling the Speed, Acceleration, and Deceleration of Bicyclists for Microscopic Traffic Simulation" , Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board , 2587 (1), 8-16.
Twaddle, H., Schendzielorz, T., & Fakler, O. (2014). "Bicycles in Urban Areas: Review of Existing Methods for Modeling Behavior" , Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board , 2434 (1), 140-146.
Margreiter, M., Krause, S., Twaddle, H., & Lüßmann, J. (2014). "Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Adaptive Network Signal Controls Based on Real Vehicle Trajectories" , Transportation Research Procedia , 4 , 421-430.
Twaddle, H. (2011). "Stated preference survey design and pre-test for valuing influencing factors for bicycle use" .
Twaddle, H., Hall, F., & Bracic, B. (2010). "Latent Bicycle Commuting Demand and Effects of Gender on Commuter Cycling and Accident Rates" , Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board , 2190 (1), 28-36.