School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Leonard Arning

Research Focus

 - Macroscopic Transport Models
 - Evaluation

General information

Professional Activities

Since 05/2022: Research Associate
Chair of Bicycle Traffic, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

12/2021 – 05/2022: Engineer for traffic studies and demand planning,
Autobahn GmbH des Bundes

03/2017 – 02/2021: Student Assistant
Chair of Transport Ecology and Chair of Road Planning and Road Design, Boysen Graduate School


10/2016 – 11/2021: Graduate traffic engineer, Specialization in traffic planning and engineering
Faculty of Transport Sciences "Friedrich List", TU Dresden

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Book / Book chapter

Conference Papers

  • Arning, L., & Kaths, H. (2024). Überlegst du noch oder e-bikest du schon? Modellierung der Beschaffungswahl von Pedelecs in Tagungsband HEUREKA 2024 , FGSV. Full text


E-Bikes in Travel Demand Models

Modelling, macroscopic, ownership, mode choice, route choice, travel demand, e-bike, pedelec

Electric bicycles increase the attractiveness of cycling across user groups, trip purposes, and topographically challenging areas. Despite rapid growth of electric bicycle traffic, macroscopic transport models used in practice do not yet distinguish between electric and conventional bicycles, limiting their predictive power and usefulness. My research aims to develop and implement models for ownership, mode, and route choice of bicycles that differentiate by mode of propulsion based on mobility surveys and other sources such as spatial data. The results of this research will contribute to more accurate and useful transport models, enabling more targeted cycling planning and policy.