- 2024
- Kathmann, T., Pušica, A., Fischer, J., Kaths, H., & Roosta, A. (2024). "Nutzen und Umsetzbarkeit von detektorbasierter Erfassung von Lastenrädern" , Straßenverkehrstechnik , 12-2024 , 957—963.
- Arning, L., & Kaths, H. (2024). "Überlegst du noch oder e-bikest du schon? Modellierung der Beschaffungswahl von Pedelecs" in Tagungsband HEUREKA 2024 , FGSV .
- 2023
- Kaths, H., & Roosta, A. (2023). "A Framework for Simulating Cyclists in SUMO" , SUMO Conference Proceedings , 4 , 105–113.
- Kaths, H. (2023). "A movement and interaction model for cyclists and other non-lane-based road users" , Frontiers in Future Transportation , vol. 4 , 1-14.
- Kaths, H. (2023). "Crossing intersections: A tool for investigating road user pathways" , Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science , 51 (1), 275-281.
- Arning, L., Silva, C., & Kaths, H. (2023). "Review of Current Practice and Research on E-Bikes in Transport Models" , Transportation Research Record , vol. 2677 (12), pp. 436-448.
- Roosta, A., Kaths, H., Barthauer, M., Erdmann, J., Flötteröd, Y., & Behrisch, M. (2023). "The State of Bicycle Modeling in SUMO" , SUMO Conference Proceedings , vol. 4 , 55-64.
- Busch, F., Grigoropoulos, G., Kaths, H., Baier, M. M., Reinartz, A., Schuckließ, L., Junghans, M., Lücken, L., & Leonhardt, A. (2023). Verkehrsablauf an signalisierten Knotenpunkten mit hohem Radverkehrsaufkommen .
ISBN: 978-3-95606-727-3
- 2022
- Kaths, H. (2022). "Cyclists' interactions with other road users from a safety perspective" in Advances in Transport Policy and Planning: Cycling , Götschi, Thomas and Heinen, Eva, Eds. 187-209.
- Grigoropoulos, G., Leonhardt, A., Kaths, H., Junghans, M., Baier, M. M., & Busch, F. (2022). "Traffic flow at signalized intersections with large volumes of bicycle traffic" , Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , 155 , 464-483.
- 2021
- Kaths, H., Keler, A., & Bogenberger, K. (2021). "Calibrating the Wiedemann 99 Car-Following Model for Bicycle Traffic" , Sustainability , 13 (6), 3487.
- Keler, A., Malcolm, P., Grigoropoulos, G., Hosseini, S. A., Kaths, H., Busch, F., & Bogenberger, K. (2021). "Data-Driven Scenario Specification for AV--VRU Interactions at Urban Roundabouts" , Sustainability , 13 (15), 8281.
- Grigoropoulos, G., Hosseini, S. A., Keler, A., Kaths, H., Spangler, M., Busch, F., & Bogenberger, K. (2021). "Traffic Simulation Analysis of Bicycle Highways in Urban Areas" , Sustainability , 13 (3), 1016.
- 2020
- Keler, Andreas and Grigoropoulos, Georgios and Kaths, Heather and Hosseini, Seyed A. and Malcolm, Patrick and Kaths, Jakob and Busch, Fritz and Bogenberger, Klaus, Eds., A bicycle simulator for the evaluation of traffic control strategies in urban environments .
- 2019
- Kaths, H., Keler, A., Kaths, J., & Busch, F. (2019). "Analyzing the behavior of bicyclists using a bicycle simulator with a coupled SUMO and DYNA4 simulated environment" in SUMO User Conference 2019 , Weber, Melanie and Bieker-Walz, Laura and Hilbrich, Robert and Behrisch, Michael, Eds. EasyChair 199-205.
- Keler, A., Twaddle, H., Grigoropoulos, G., Hoffmann, S., & Busch, F. (2019). "Assessing the influence of visibility components in interactions between bicyclist and car drivers" , Transportation Research Procedia , 41 , 590-592.
- Twaddle, H., & Busch, F. (2019). "Binomial and multinomial regression models for predicting the tactical choices of bicyclists at signalised intersections" , Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour , 60 , 47-57.
- Keler, Andreas and Grigoropoulos, Georgios and Kaths, Heather and Krämer, K. and Kaths, Jakob and Spangler, Matthias and Busch, Fritz, Eds., Designing maps with fictional and real road intersections for the evaluation of countdown timer displays for bicyclists .
- Grigoropoulos, G., Kaths, H., & Busch, F. (2019). "Introducing the Effect of Bicyclist Stabilization Control in Microscopic Traffic Simulation" in 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) , IEEE 1373-1378.
- Grigoropoulos, G., Lücken, L., Erdmann, J., & Kaths, H. (2019). "Modelling Bicycle Infrastructure in SUMO" in SUMO User Conference 2019 , Weber, Melanie and Bieker-Walz, Laura and Hilbrich, Robert and Behrisch, Michael, Eds. EasyChair 187-174.
- Grigoropoulos, G., Keler, A., Kaths, H., Spangler, M., & Busch, F. (2019). "Using Geodata for Simulating Urban Traffic--Current Research in the Field of Traffic Engineering and Control" in Geoinformationssysteme 2019 , Kolbe and Bill and Donaubauer, Eds. 45-49.
- 2018
- Kaths, H., Keler, A., Chucholowski, M., Grigoropoulos, G., Spangler, M., Kaths, J., & Busch, F. (2018). "A bicycle simulator for experiencing microscopic traffic flow simulation in urban environments" in 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) , 3020-3023.
- Grigoropoulos, G., Twaddle, H., Spangler, M., Hagenbring, M., & Düsterwald, M. (2018). "Evaluierung der dynamischen Grünen Welle für Radfahrer-Sitraffic SiBike-in Marburg" , Straßenverkehrstechnik , 2018 , 268-274.
- 2017
- Twaddle, H. (2017). "Analysis and Modelling of the Operational and Tactical Behaviour of Bicyclists" in UR:BAN Human Factors in Traffic , Bengler, K. and Hoffmann, S. and Manstetten, D. and Neukum, A. and Drüke, J., Eds. Springer .