Roadshow Radverkehr – Fahrradpolitik und Governance: Neuer Start oder weiter so?
Roadshow Radverkehr – Fahrradpolitik und Governance: Neuer Start oder weiter so?
Project Bicycle Traffic (BVWING 2021 - 5.2.6) is a module, offered within the B.Sc. VWING study programme.
Basic Information
Module: Elective course
Effort: 3 SWS / 80 hours
Credit points: 6
Module duration: 1 semester
Recommended FS: 6th semester
Frequency: Every second semester (summer semester)
Repeatability: Twice
Teaching form: Seminar and term paper
Evidence: Written term paper (5 CP)
Students are able to collect and analyze data on a cycling problem using quantitative and qualitative methods and to develop proposals for solutions.
Students master and deepen their knowledge of:
When and where
Contact person
Further information